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The springbok horn is an African talismanic charm which is believed across Africa to bring good luck to those who wear it. The ZenZulu wire horns are a collaboration between Okapi and ZenZulu - a fairly traded, eco-community project based in Kwazulu-Natal which focuses on intricate Zulu weaving methods with a contemporary twist.

About Springbok Horn
The springbok horn is an African talismanic charm which is believed across Africa to bring good luck to those who wear it. Okapi’s expert artisans craft each individual horn making each signature piece completely unique. Okapi is strongly guided by the African philosophy of Ubuntu ‘I am because we are’. This means that we strive to incorporate social upliftment into our production practices. The majority of Okapi’s materials including the springbok horn are sourced as by-product of established farming practices. By incorporating the springbok horns into the products, Okapi is taking what would be waste in order to create sustainable jobs on the African continent.
- Locally made
- Ethically sourced
- Handmade
- Entirely traceable